Privacy policy

1. purpose The website (hereinafter “Website”) is managed by the subsidiaries of the MMC’EYEWEAR group in each relevant jurisdiction (as indicated in the footer of the Website homepage) in their capacity as data controller (hereinafter “MMC’EYEWEAR”) of the personal data described herein. This privacy policy illustrates how MMC’EYEWEAR processes the personal data of website users (hereinafter, “user”, “users” or “you”) in accordance with art. 13 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter, the “GDPR”) without prejudice to other relevant applicable laws, and how this information is used, shared and how it can be accessed, modified or deleted. As evidence of its commitment to user privacy, MMC’EYEWEAR has defined this Privacy Policy as part of a comprehensive user privacy management model to ensure full compliance with privacy as a foundation of MMC’EYEWEAR’s corporate culture. Any personal data you provide on this website is used exclusively for the purposes described below.

2. Source and type of personal data

MMC’EYEWEAR processes different types of information about the user, collected from different sources, such as: information provided directly by the user; information obtained by automatic tracking systems when using the website and its services. More specifically, MMC’EYEWEAR may process the following personally identifiable user data: a) Information provided by the user during the registration process or when placing an order (for example, first and last name; e-mail address; password; gender; country (nation); postal address and telephone numbers for deliveries, credit card and financial information, and other information contained in any correspondence or request sent by the user. MMC’EYEWEAR may also ask the user to provide certain information if problems with our website service are reported; b) Information relating to the user’s use of the website. For security reasons, we process login information relating to each session when the user logs on to his/her account, as well as information on payment transactions which will be processed by our supplier; c) Browsing information. When the user browses the Website, MMC’EYEWEAR uses certain technologies (cookies, see below for more information) that automatically collect certain pieces of information relating to how the user uses our products and services, such as the IP address or other unique code of the device (computer, mobile or other devices) used by the user to browse the Website, identification as a registered or unregistered user, technical information that may include the URL a user came from, browser information, language. This information helps us to regularly improve the browsing experience and purchasing mechanisms for our products and services, and to monitor the proper functioning of the Website. This information consists solely of statistical data relating to actions carried out by the user and is not intended to be associated with user identification data. However, browsing data may identify you only when combined with your personal identification data. All the above-mentioned identification data are hereinafter jointly defined as “information”.

3. Purpose of processing

3.1. Fins contractuelles Les informations recueillies par MMC’EYEWEAR sont utilisées aux fins contractuelles suivantes sans le consentement préalable des utilisateurs : pour permettre aux utilisateurs de s’inscrire sur le site Internet ; pour fournir les services disponibles sur le Site Internet (par exemple, la gestion du processus d’inscription et l’accès au compte, la gestion du compte) ; pour gérer les commandes en ligne, pour fournir des produits et des services, pour traiter les paiements et les paiements électroniques, pour transmettre des commandes, des produits, des services ; pour la gestion technique du site web et de ses fonctions opérationnelles (y compris la logistique), en ce compris la résolution de tout problème technique, l’analyse statistique, les tests et la recherche; pour prévenir ou découvrir des activités frauduleuses ou une utilisation abusive portant atteinte à notre site web ou menaçant la sécurité des transactions ; pour se conformer aux exigences des lois, des règlements, des protocoles et de la législation nationale et européenne ; pour la mise en œuvre et l’exécution des décisions des Autorités publiques ; pour protéger la sécurité d’un individu ; pour la défense de MMC’EYEWEAR devant les tribunaux, par exemple, en cas de violation par les utilisateurs du site, ou pour protéger les droits et la propriété de MMC’EYEWEAR ; pour répondre aux demandes de l’utilisateur (par exemple, la gestion des demandes d’information) ; pour envoyer aux utilisateurs des communications opérationnelles liées à la fourniture du service ou des produits, à la vente et à l’assistance après-vente. En ce qui concerne les informations sur les prescriptions relatives aux clients de l’utilisateur, elles ne peuvent être traitées par MMC’EYEWEAR qu’avec le consentement préalable de l’utilisateur et la désignation de MMC’EYEWEAR en tant que sous-traitant des données ; ces informations sur les prescriptions ne seront utilisées que dans le but d’exécuter le contrat d’achat de lunettes de vue achetées par les utilisateurs sur le site Internet.

3.2. Finalité marketing

The information collected by MMC’EYEWEAR is used for the following marketing communication purposes with the prior consent of users: 3.2.1. to participate in and manage promotional operations, game campaigns and competitions available from time to time on the website, where applicable; 3.2.2. to send commercial and promotional communications as well as periodic updates (e.g. by e-mail, telephone, SMS/MMS, post, social network and newsletter) relating to MMC’EYEWEAR products, services, initiatives and events; 3.2.3. for the purpose of carrying out, by post, telephone or e-mail, statistical analyses, surveys and market research relating to MMC’EYEWEAR products and services. In addition, if the user is already our customer, MMC’EYEWEAR may send him commercial e-mails about similar products, events, fairs and services already provided by MMC’EYEWEAR. Users may opt-out at any time by following the instructions available in each communication.

4. Treatment methods

Users’ information is processed only to the extent necessary to pursue the purposes described above and is carried out by means of the operations indicated in Article 4 of the GDPR and namely: collection, recording, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, access and communication, blocking, erasure and destruction of data. User data is processed electronically and manually through the Website and the servers in which it is stored.

5. Categories of persons with access to information

Any personal data shared or collected by connecting to the website will be processed by MMC’EYEWEAR as the
data controller. Personal data will be processed by MMC’EYEWEAR staff assigned to data processing.
personal data collected :
employees and consultants authorized to manage the Website and provide related services (for example, customer service, management
of MMC’EYEWEAR’s IT systems, etc.), in charge of processing and/or in their capacity as system administrators and/or
employees and consultants of the marketing, finance, administration, accounting and other relevant departments of
MMC’EYEWEAR, in charge of managing processing and/or in their capacity as internal subcontractors.
In addition, MMC’EYEWEAR may ask its service providers to carry out certain processing operations on its behalf, according to
the instructions provided by MMC’EYEWEAR and in accordance with this privacy policy. These service providers will process
personal data in their capacity as external data processors on the basis of contractual commitments and/or letters of
appropriate appointments, and they include, for example: suppliers of services to manage your orders, the
IT Systems and the Website (for example, logistics service providers, hosting providers, suppliers of
market and analysis services, database management and maintenance services) ; providers of
online payment services, which may access the user’s credit card and other financial information;
providers of services related to order entry, product shipping and/or other services available on this website.

6. Third parties to whom information may be disclosed

In addition, the user’s information may be communicated to third parties for the following reasons: 6.1. to enable third-party companies to merge with, acquire or sell all or part of MMC’EYEWEAR’s assets; 6.2. to fulfill the obligation provided by law, regulations, protocols and national and European legislation; 6.3. to implement the obligations required by Public Authorities; 6.4. to allow the defense of MMC’EYEWEAR before the courts, for example, in case of violations by users of the site. The said parties will process the information in their capacity as autonomous data processors.

7. Transfer of data outside the European Union

If personal data is transferred to countries that do not offer the same, or at least an adequate, level of protection for personal data, we ensure that each service provider undertakes to comply with specific contractual obligations in accordance with applicable data protection legislation (including the execution of the Standard Contractual Clauses as approved by the European Commission), unless MMC’EYEWEAR can rely on another legal basis for transferring personal data.

8. Nature of provision of personal data and consequences of refusal to provide such information

The provision of information for contractual purposes is necessary to register on the Website, make purchases through it
and use the services offered through the Website, as set out in section 3.1 of this Privacy Policy.
If users decide not to provide information for contractual purposes, this may prevent them from registering on the Website,
making purchases through it and using the services listed in section 3.1 of this Privacy Policy.

The provision of information for marketing communication purposes is voluntary and optional. Users may freely decide
not to provide information for marketing communication purposes, and they may subsequently revoke their consent to
the processing of information already provided: in this case, users’ information will not be processed for the
marketing communication purposes listed in section 3.2. of this privacy policy.

9. Security

MMC’EYEWEAR is committed to protecting user information. MMC’EYEWEAR informs that the password is one of the protection mechanisms of the account, therefore users are invited to use a sufficiently secure password stored in a safe place, limiting access to it on their own computers and browsers, disconnecting it after visiting the site. MMC’EYEWEAR is committed to protecting the information received from users. All personal data provided is stored on secure servers and internal systems. MMC’EYEWEAR uses appropriate security measures to protect information against unauthorized access or unauthorized modification, as well as against the circulation or distribution of data. In order to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy and ensure the correct use of information MMC’EYEWEAR uses appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and protect the information and data stored in our system. the purposes for which they were collected; the consent received from the user; applicable privacy regulations.

10. Storing and deleting information

MMC’EYEWEAR accesses, uses, processes, classifies and stores personal data collected solely for the purposes described in this privacy policy and in accordance with the consent expressed by the user, where applicable. Specifically, MMC’EYEWEAR collects personal data in accordance with the following provisions: personal data is retained and deleted in accordance with MMC’EYEWEAR’s privacy and security policy for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the data was collected and subsequently processed, including any retention period required by applicable law (e.g., retention of accounting documentation). MMC’EYEWEAR will process user information for contractual purposes (section 3.1 a-d) for 10 years after the end of the contract. user information is processed at MMC’EYEWEAR’s premises and server locations. In the case of EU citizens, the servers are based in the EU, while for other users, the servers are based in their country of residence. For further information, please contact MMC’EYEWEAR using the contact details below.

11. Rights of the data subject in relation to personal data

Users have the right to obtain from MMC’EYEWEAR confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning them and their
communication in an intelligible form; users may also ask to know the source of the data; the purposes
and methods of processing; users may also obtain an update, correction or integration of the data.
In addition, users may, at any time, revoke their consent, requesting the cessation of processing, erasure,
anonymization or blocking of the information processed. Users may object, in whole or in part, to processing:

a) for legitimate reasons for processing data concerning them;
b) for sending advertising material or for carrying out market research or commercial communications.

In addition to the above, from May 25, 2018, Users also have the rights referred to in Articles 16-21 of the RGPD
(right to be forgotten, right to limit processing, right to data portability, right to object) and the right to lodge a complaint
with the competent Supervisory Authority.

In addition, MMC’EYEWEAR provides tools for users to update and modify their personal data.
Indeed, each registered user can access and update their own information (for example, via the user account).
In addition, it is also possible for users to modify and update their preferences on how they wish to
receive e-mails or other communications from MMC’EYEWEAR. Users can also request that
information in their account be deleted.

In order to exercise the above rights and request information, users may write to the following e-mail address: MMC’EYEWEAR will respond within a reasonable time (within the limits of applicable law), after verifying
the identity of users.

12. Contact information

The data controller responsible for processing users’ personal data is MMC’EYEWEAR 2 Rue Perlet, 13007 Marseille, France, as well as the local legal entity that manages the website’s localized operations (which is, however, wholly owned by the aforementioned group). The updated list of subcontractors and data processors is kept on the data controller’s premises. If the user has any questions or comments about this privacy policy or any data processing carried out by MMC’EYEWEAR, MMC’EYEWEAR can be contacted at the following e-mail address:

13. Data Protection Officer

As of May 25, 2018, the data protection officer appointed by the data controller in accordance with Article 37 of the RGPD can be contacted at the address indicated in clause 12 of this privacy policy.

14. Changes to the privacy policy

For legal and/or organizational reasons, this Privacy Policy may be subject to change; we therefore suggest that you regularly check this Privacy Policy and refer to its latest version. If MMC’EYEWEAR makes any changes that the company considers important, users will be informed via the website.

mmc'eyewear Cookie Notice

In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the applicable provisions on the protection of personal data

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that websites visited by users send to their terminal, where they are stored before being retransmitted to the same websites on their next visit (“first-party cookies”). Third-party cookies, on the other hand, are set by a website other than the one the user is visiting. In fact, each website may contain elements (images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages from other domains, etc.) that are located on servers other than that of the website visited.

What are cookies for?

The technical cookies used by our website allow you to navigate, facilitate your experience of the site and enable you to use the website’s services – for example, they save you having to re-enter your login details to log in. Analytical cookies are used to analyze and monitor how the website is used for statistical purposes (for example, the number of visits and pages viewed), and to enable us to offer you an increasingly easy and functional browsing experience.

Which cookies are used?


a) technical cookies, both “session” cookies, i.e. cookies that are deleted when the browser is closed, and permanent first-party cookies, i.e. cookies that expire after a certain time and are sent directly from our website.

b) first-party analytical cookies, i.e. data that the website collects in aggregate form to find out how many users visit the website and in what way, and third-party analytical cookies, which are shared with domains other than the one indicated in the address bar. The provision of data is optional. However, we would like to point out that refusing cookies and disabling them may prevent the use of certain website functions.

c) third-party analytical, social and marketing cookies: These cookies record your visits to our website, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. We will use this information to make our marketing campaigns, advertising displayed on the MMC’EYEWEAR site and, in general, our marketing activity, more relevant to your interests. We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose. However, we will need your consent to activate these cookies and tracking technologies during your browsing.

How can you check and delete cookies?

The first time you visit the website, you’ll see a banner on the use of cookies. You can then decide whether or not to consent to the use of cookies. You can deactivate them at any time, by modifying your browser configuration and following the instructions contained in the cookie management policies.